Support at U of T
As an instructor and staff member at U of T, you have access to various offices to support you in the development of curricular and co-curricular experiential learning opportunities.
Accessibility (Student Supports)
If your students require accommodations related to an experiential learning opportunity, you may connect with one of the accessibility services offices at the University of Toronto.
Accessibility Services | UTM Accessibility Services | UTSC AccessAbility Services
Accessibility (Pedagogical Supports)
Learn more about Universal Design for Learning and AODA principles to help ensure inclusive practices that work to increase accessibility by reducing barriers (physical and cognitive) and build sustaining and evolving learning environments for all learners.
Career Resources
Help students make informed choices as they consider the relationship between experiential learning opportunities and their future career plans.
Career Exploration & Education (CxEd) | UTM Career Centre | UTSC Academic Advising & Career Centre (AA&CC)
Co-Curricular Experiential Learning
Co-curricular opportunities offer an array of experiential learning avenues for students. After you have developed your opportunity, consider adding it to the Co-Curricular Record for students to have official documentation of their involvement. Hire a Work Study student to grow their skills and support your project.
Community-Engaged Learning
The Centre for Community Partnerships offers services and resources to support community-engaged learning course and program development.
Centre for Community Partnerships | CCP Newsletter for Faculty & Staff
Ready to take the next step in developing an entrepreneurial opportunity? Discover entrepreneurial accelerators and review courses that empower aspiring entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurship Accelerator | Entrepreneurship e-Newsletter
Funding to Support Experiential Learning
Internal and external funding is available to support experiential learning opportunities.
- Visit the Teaching Awards & Grants Database and search for “Pedagogical Grants” to see if any of these options align with the experiential learning opportunity you plan to develop. For example, the Learning & Education Advancement Fund (LEAF) is an institutional fund that supports teaching and learning projects and has identified experiential learning as a priority area.
- Occasionally, external funds become available to support experiential learning opportunities for U of T students. These initiatives, coordinated through the OVPIUE, have varying eligibility criteria and deadlines. Visit the External Funding Opportunities page to learn more about deadlines and current funding opportunities available.
Many academic divisions offer support and resources to develop and implement various aspects of your curricular experiential learning opportunities.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
U of T is committed to an inclusive, diverse and equitable community. These offices can help you understand relevant policies, learn what supports are available and discuss specific situations.
Indigenous Student Services| Equity Offices | Sexual and Gender Diversity | Advancing Equitable & Inclusive Experiential Learning Opportunities
Health & Well-Being
Discover the range of health services, wellness programs and information to help support your students in achieving their personal, academic and professional goals.
Family Care | Health & Wellness, St. George |UTM Health & Counselling |UTSC Health & Wellness Centre | Sexual Violence Prevention & Support
Intellectual Property
If you have questions about intellectual property rights as it relates to experiential learning, review this series of modules.
International Opportunities
Become a global educator! Discover the faculty and staff support and services available including safety abroad training, new program or pathway development and connections with international universities and organizations.
Land-Based and / or Indigenous Experiential Learning
Elders, Traditional Teachers and Knowledge Keepers make up a vital presence at the University of Toronto. Faculty and staff are encouraged to engage and grow in connection with them.
Pedagogical Supports
Along with supports in your academic unit and / or Faculty, you can also locate workshops, online resources and one-to-one consultations as you develop your experiential learning opportunity.
Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation | UTM Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre | UTSC Centre for Teaching & Learning
If interested in developing a course or program that engages students in research, you may want to review the services and tools for faculty and staff as well as existing research focused programs.
Research & Innovation | Arts & Science Research Opportunities|UTM Research Opportunity Program | NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program | University of Toronto Excellence Awards (UTEA)