Master of Information Practicum Program
Master of Information Practicum Program can be completed by taking one of two courses: INF2158 or INF2173. In both courses students undertake a practicum project under the supervision of an experienced information professional. In INF2158 (Management of Corporate and other Special Information Centres) the students complete a 45-hour practicum project. In INF2173 (Information Professionals Practicum) the students complete 105-hour practicum project.

Program Details
Instructor / Program Coordinator(s):
Stephanie Rose, Assistant Dean, Registrarial and Student Services, Faculty of Information
External Partners Faculty & Staff Students
Faculty of Information
Benefits to Students:
Students complete a hands-on project that allows them to increase their knowledge and skills, gain experience in a work setting, and network with individuals who work in their area of interest. The students learn how to prepare a work plan, negotiate the project requirements and timelines, learn about their individual strengths, abilities and challenges, and learn how to market their skills and knowledge.
Benefits to External Partners and the Community:
The external partner benefits by having students with up-to-date knowledge and skills who are able to concentrate on and complete a project that meets an identified need. They often bring skills sets and knowledge that does not exist in the organization. Many of our project hosts are alumni who also benefit by supporting the school and students.
Benefits to the University:
This is a rare and close collaboration with the professional work world. The Faculty and university benefit by gaining knowledge of what is needed in organizations and can see directly how the skills sets and knowledge being taught at the Faculty of Information can be applied. They can also identify where there are areas of potential growth or need for research or education.
Information for Interested Students:
Visit the Faculty of Information website for more information:
Advice for Faculty and Staff Interested in Creating a Similar Experiential Learning Opportunity:
The community must be made aware of what the students can do and understand the benefits to them. The biggest difficulty is often finding enough suitable projects for the students so there must be an ongoing promotion of the program to the right organizations.
As the Faculty of Information has changed from a professional school for librarians to one that focuses more on technology it has been more difficult to identify potential host organizations and to encourage them to submit projects. Faculty and staff must have a good understanding of the types of organizations that would be interested in hiring their students and work closely with them.
Alumni are key to this. Former students can promote the practicum program within their organizations.
Poster from the Virtual Exhibition of Practicum Projects- Summer 2020
Partnership Based