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Navigate - Experiential Learning Hub
A group of students walking down a busy sidewalk


Support at U of T

As a student at U of T, you have access to many on-campus resources and offices that can offer you support in navigating experiential learning opportunities.

Academic Resources

Discover academic resources and strategies to help navigate your coursework and learning.

Centre for Learning Strategy Support | UTM Academic Support | UTSC Academic Advising & Career Centre | UTSC Academic Life


If you require an accommodation related to an experiential learning opportunity, you may connect with one of the accessibility services offices at the University of Toronto.

Accessibility Services | UTM Accessibility Services | UTSC AccessAbility Services

Career Resources

Make informed choices as you consider the relationship between your experiential learning opportunity and your future career plans.

Career Exploration & Education (CxEd)  | UTM Career Centre | UTSC Academic Advising & Career Centre (AA&CC)

Co-Curricular Experiential Learning

Connect with a range of experiential learning opportunities through the Career & Co-Curricular Learning Network (CLNx), apply to a Work Study opportunity or see what is happening at Hart House.

CLNx | Co-Curricular Record | Work Study | Hart House


Your College Registrar’s office is your hub for academic advising, support services, information and advice of all kinds. 

Innis College | New College | St. Michael’s College| Trinity College | University College | Victoria College | Woodsworth College

Community-Engaged Learning

Curricular and co-curricular opportunities allow you to pursue community-engaged learning in partnership with communities or grassroots, non-profit or public organizations.

Centre for Community Partnerships | UTM Centre for Student Engagement| UTSC Community Partnerships & Engagement

Curricular Experiential Learning: Programs of Study

Research your academic program of study and check with your academic unit to discuss the best way to locate these opportunities. 

Undergraduate Programs of Study | Graduate Programs of Study

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

U of T is committed to an inclusive, diverse and equitable community. Review relevant policies learning what supports are available and discuss specific situations.

Indigenous Student Services| Equity Offices  Sexual and Gender Diversity


Connect with entrepreneurial thinking, leadership and opportunities at U of T. Discover entrepreneurial programs (incubators /accelerators) and review courses that empower aspiring entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship | Entrepreneurship e-Newsletter

Land-Based and / or Indigenous Experiential Learning 

Indigenous U of T offers an overview of ways you can get involved in land-based activities and initiatives. First Nations House offers culturally sensitive academic advising to support students with academic planning.

Indigenous U of T | First Nations House | First Nations House Newsletter  

International Opportunities

Become a global learner! A learning abroad opportunity connects you with students, professionals and professors from diverse cultural backgrounds and helps you to develop global fluency. 

Learning Abroad

Health & Well-Being

Discover the range of health services, wellness programs and information to help support you in achieving your personal and academic goals.

Family Care Office 

Health & Wellness 

UTM Health & Counselling

UTSC Health & Wellness Centre

Sexual Violence Prevention & Support


Participating in research provides insight into how research is conducted both inside and outside academia. Divisional and program websites will provide information about opportunities specific to you. 

Arts & Sciences Research Opportunities Program

UTM Research Opportunity Program 

Work Study Program 

Jackman Humanities Scholars-In-Residence

University of Toronto Excellence Awards (UTEA)

NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards Program